working with brands

Now more than ever people want to support local businesses, but not only that, they also want to know WHO is behind the business they are supporting. Social media, owning your own website, and having a presence online in general is important to get your message across. Whether you are a small business owner offering a service or selling products, or a startup entrepreneur working on their own, beautiful images of either your products or yourself will always be well used. Let's choose a location together that suits you and your business, discuss wardrobe, and generally have a good time taking photos! On average personal brand sessions last about an hour, and lifestyle sessions can be booked off half or full day depending on the amount of images required.

You can get in touch with me via my CONTACT details page, clicking the button below, or filling in a Contact Form at the bottom of this page.

contact form

If you're interested in a Personal Brand Session or a Lifestyle Shoot for your business please fill in the basic contact form and I'll get back to you asap.